Seal of quality

Offroadcamp® - registered trademark
As part of our quality management, Offroadcamp® is a registered EU trademark. This gives us uniform protection in all EU member states.


We are member of Naturturismföretagen, Naturturismföretagen is a trade organization and the common voice for companies in nature tourism and ecotourism in Sweden. It works for better conditions to drive nature-based tourism and a sustainable development of the industry.

We are member of the industry organization BOHST and Offroadcamp® snowmobile guides are certified sustainable snowmobile guides.
BOHST is the industry organization for sustainable snowmobile tourism, is the cooperative association for stakeholders and actors within the snowmobile tourism industry in Sweden. It works for a sustainable and professional snowmobile tourism through cooperation, quality assurance and competence and business development.


We are a member of VISITA.

Visita is a branch- and employee association for the Swedish hospitality industry and signs the industry's collective agreements with the following authorities and associations:

Kammarkollegiet, authority which functions as asset manager, procurer, insurance company and legal agency for the state administration. In our case, it takes care of Travel Guarantee with Insolvency Insurance (We have agreed a legally required travel guarantee with the Kammarkollegiet, this means that you can receive compensation if your trip is canceled or interrupted if vii were to suffer insolvency.)

Check that we have arranged for travel expenses

Fora, an association for security through the job with decent working conditions, occupational pension and insurance.

Svensk Näringsliv, is an association and is the voice of entrepreneurship in Sweden, it produces concrete proposals for measures and reforms that benefit the business climate and spreads knowledge and forms opinion. Svensk Näringsliv Näringsliv pushes politicians and other decision-makers and represents business in talks with trade unions and authorities, in addition do the give the Swedish business community a voice in the EU.